An Intro to Capon Springs

Step 1 of 4:

Imagine you're here!

Picture yourself enjoying life as it was meant to be… relaxing at an all-inclusive secluded resort nestled in the majestic West Virginia mountains. Capon Springs’ rich history, healing water, delicious food, and long-standing traditions create that nostalgic feeling that many generations of guests have described as … coming home.


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An Intro to Capon Springs

Step 2 of 4:

Figure a budget

Planning for your Capon getaway is simple!  Our all-inclusive per-person rates cover lodging, three all-you-can-eat meals per day (and snacks too!), and a wide variety of programs and activities for guests of all ages. In, 2023, prices for adults ranged from $114/night to $207/night. There is no charge for children under the age of 5, and prices for older children range from $46/night to $101/night.


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An Intro to Capon Springs

Step 3 of 4:

Understand the Magic

What truly makes Capon Springs different from other resorts are all the “extras” that you just won’t find anywhere else. Operated by multiple generations of the same family, you are welcomed into a warm and caring atmosphere where everything is based on the honor system.   The set-menu and meal times mean all you have to do is show up when the bell rings!

When was the last time you and your family had an opportunity to completely “unplug” and spend quality time together?  Now imagine how great it would be that as your Capon experience draws to a close, you actually feel completely relaxed, restored, and reenergized- and already dreaming about your return!


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An Intro to Capon Springs

Step 4 of 4:

Book Your Reservation

We make your reservation experience personal.  Since there are no “cookie-cutter” rooms, we take the time to find out what location would work best for your perfect vacation.  We look forward to having you with us anytime during the Capon Springs’ resort season, which begins in early May and runs through the beginning of November.

To get the digital conversation started, click the Request Your Room button below and fill out a reservation request form. Or call us directly to get more information at 304-874-3695.

Request Your Room Contact Us

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The 2024 Season runs May 2 through Nov 9 Summer openings

To our entire Capon family~ we wish you health and safety through this crisis.  We all understand these are unprecedented times and we’re navigating through this together. Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by this pandemic.

June 5, 2020

As we follow the guidance of the state of West Virginia, we are very happy to announce we will be opening our doors for our 88th season on Sunday, June 28.

We believe together we can maintain Capon as a safe haven for guests and co-workers during this current COVID-19 environment– especially if everyone follows basic health safety practices along with a generous heaping of goodwill toward all.  Despite some necessary modifications, we are confident that the caring spirit and long standing traditions will continue to permeate the Capon experience as surely as the spring water flows throughout the grounds and the music floats through the trees.

To ensure the safety and well-being of our coworkers and guests, the Capon experience will be different this year.  Our goal is to provide you with as much information as possible about what you can expect so you can appropriately plan your stay with us. As we continue to fine-tune our safety protocols, we will provide more detailed information and videos.  We will also continue to monitor the information provided by the CDC, our Governor and our local county health department and make adjustments to our procedures as needed.  We ask that you thoroughly review this information and let us know right away if you intend to change your plans.  If we don’t hear from you, we will call you three weeks before your arrival date to confirm your summer reservations.

Here is what you can expect as we reopen on Sunday, June 28:

We promise to…

  • Assist you in rescheduling your visit if you have symptoms, have recently been exposed to COVID-19 or don’t yet feel comfortable coming
  • Provide as much of the expected Capon magic as possible, making necessary tweaks and additional changes as time goes on and the situation continues to evolve.
  • Administer health screening protocols, including temperature checks for guests upon arrival and for co-workers at the start of their shift.
  • Provide clear safety guidelines ahead of your stay that are also posted throughout the property and have staff remind guests of the guidelines when necessary (just like curfew and alcohol policies), especially to protect our significant vulnerable population of guests and co-workers.
  • Practice safe physical distancing, especially in high traffic areas like the Main House.
  • Wear masks when indoors or in outdoor communal areas where maintaining a 6’ barrier is difficult.
  • Provide masks upon request and plenty of opportunities for hand sanitation throughout the property, especially in high traffic areas like the Main House and Meeting House.
  • Follow strict cleaning protocols, including frequent cleaning of high touch point areas.
  • Be here for you.  If you need anything, we are here to help make your experience the best it can be

We ask that you promise to…

  • Reschedule your stay if you are experiencing symptoms or have recently been exposed to COVID-19.
  • Consider rescheduling if you fall into a high risk category, such as a compromised respiratory or immune system.
  • Educate yourself about the modified Capon experience.
  • Assume and accept the inherent level of risk with coming to a public gathering place.
  • Abide by our safety guidelines including but not limited to:
    • Taking your temperature before you leave your home and follow CDC self screening protocols.  It is in the best interest of all to check that you are healthy before you start your trip.
    • Having a mask with you at all times, including kids ages 10 and up, and wear it when you enter indoor public spaces and when congregating outdoors, such as morning flag raisings.
    • Following physical distancing guidelines and maintain a 6 ft barrier between yourself and other guests and co-workers.
    • Washing your hands/using provided hand sanitizer regularly, especially after touching high touch point areas and when entering indoor public areas such as the Main House, Meeting House, Spa and Ping Pong houses.

Reservations/ Check-In & Check-Out

  • For weekly reservations beginning the week of July 5, the new start to the week will be Mondays instead of Sundays to allow for extra cleaning between weeks.  Check-in will start at 3:00 pm. Check-out will remain Sunday mornings at 11:00am, and extended check-out and box lunches may be available if requested.  If you stay Monday to Sunday, the weekly discount will still apply.
  • Every effort will be made to ensure guests have their regular room or building.  However, in 2020, rooms will be assigned based on whatever provides the maximum safety for all guests and co-workers.  For example, extended family groups may be housed in the same location. Main House rooms with shared bath are not currently available; guests normally occupying these room types will be accommodated in rooms with bath with no increase in rate.  For those who are unable to come or who are moved to a different location in 2020, we ask that you let us know of your intentions to return in 2021 at the same time in order to reserve your regular room.
  • To the greatest extent possible, we will offer contactless check-in/check-out, including an outside check-in station where temperature checks for all guests will be conducted with signed results to not only keep guests safe, but also our co-workers. So please before you leave home, take your temperature and make sure no one in your family has any of the regular symptoms.   Anyone who does not pass the temperature check and screening protocols or develops symptoms during the stay will be required to leave.
  • Housekeeping service only available upon request.  Fresh linens will be provided upon request.


  • Golf Course: Open with monitored traffic flow; one person per cart unless from the same household.
  • Spa: Open by appointment only with most services available, (no facials); temperature check and health screening required at each visit; Wellness room is currently closed.
  • Pool: Open with monitored traffic flow and possibility of limited capacity; sign up times may be applied.
  • Recreation equipment can be checked out in Main House card/game room and will be sanitized after each use.
  • Indoor communal areas will be set up with occupancy restrictions and masks are required.
  • Playground, library, kiddie corner and game/card room are currently closed.
  • There will be no private childcare or Kids Kamp.
  • We will not hold the usual events that make it difficult to keep everyone safe and distanced, such as sports tourneys, softball, talent show, front porch dance or hayrides.
  • We will hold Bingo outdoors and Saturday campfire without the singing; new outdoor evening activities that will help keep everyone at safe distances will be added (details to follow).

Food service 

  • Meals in the dining room will still be served family style with only a few menu changes.
  • Under current state guidelines, the dining room will be maintained at no more than 50% occupancy at any one time to ensure sufficient physical distancing between guests with minimal waitress trips to the table.
  • Take-out and staggered eating times will be options; designated outside spaces will be set up for dining.
  • No buffet or self-serve. (Coffee and snacks will be provided by an attendant.)
  • Hill meals will still be served (more details to follow).

So much of the Capon experience is about enjoying some of life’s simple pleasures.  During these difficult times, it’s easy to get lost in all the things that might be changed.   Here’s a brief list of a number of the Capon things that are still here for you to enjoy:

Capon Springs Water    •    Music in the trees    •    Flag raising ceremony    •    The meal bells    •    Homemade comfort food meals    •    Delicious desserts    •    Hiking    •    Fishing    •    Hog Heaven    •    Caponchase    •     Live music    •    “Porching”    •    Fossil hunting    •    Breathing in the mountain air    •    Taking in the sunset from the golf course    •    Stargazing    •    Enjoying time spent with family/friends    •    Making lifelong memories

Unlike the hubbub of the summer activity, those who come in the spring and fall know how wonderful Capon is to just relax and be and take in the beauty around you!

May 6, 2020 Q & A with Brian Brill, Operations Manager

Brian answers questions about Capon past, present and future as well as questions about himself!

May 1, 2020  Update on Opening

This week our Governor, encouraged by the continued low statewide infection rate data, has decided to use a slow phased-in approach to reopen the state for businesses. Meanwhile, the Hampshire County Health Department has lifted its closure order for hotels to fall in line with the state’s gradual reopening program.  Therefore, according to the current state guidelines, hotels will be allowed (under specific conditions to be announced later) to open up to leisure travelers sometime between May 11 and June 4.

That being said, we will not be opening our doors until we have established health and safety protocols for our co-workers and our guests and have plans in place to ensure we can maintain that level of safety.  Therefore, our opening plans will be delayed until we have more information about our state and county requirements.  Rest assured, we will let you know as soon as we can.

For those of you with reservations that will be affected by our delay in opening, we will be in touch starting next week to discuss the best way to reschedule or modify your plans for later in the season and/or next year.  For those of you with reservations later in the season, because we still operate by the honor system, there are no deposits or cancellation fees.  Therefore, there is no need for action right now for your existing reservations.

As always thank you for your continued concern, care and support for Capon.  We truly miss you all so much and look forward to your safe return and our happy reunion together here.

April 24, 2020 Q & A with Jonathan Bellingham, 3rd Generation Family Member and Director of Guest Services and Marketing

You asked, we answered! Jonathan answers some of the Capon questions (past, present and future) you submitted to us.

March 23, 2020

Dear Capon Friends,

On behalf of the entire Capon family, please know that during these uncertain times, we are here for you and with you as we take the necessary steps to protect the health and safety of all of our guests and co-workers.

To that end in preparation for our 2020 season, we have decided to postpone our opening date to Thursday, May 21st, in conjunction with Memorial Day weekend.

As tempting as it might be to consider coming to Capon before May 21, we ask that you do your part to keep yourself and others healthy by staying at home as much as possible. In the meantime, we will continue to provide encouragement and connection through Facebook and Instagram and regular email and web blog updates.

Even though West Virginia is currently under a statewide stay-at-home order, the lodging industry is exempt from closing completely.  That means Capon can continue basic maintenance and office operations while practicing necessary social distancing and best hygiene practices.  You can always reach us by email and we will be checking phone messages regularly. (Throughout the last few weeks we continue to receive new reservations requests for dates throughout the season.)

Regarding your reservations for this year….  because we still operate by the honor system, there are no deposits nor cancellation fees.  That means you can change your plans at any time for any reason without any charges.  So there is no need for action right now for your existing reservations.

For those with reservations prior to May 21st, we have spent the last few days reaching out directly to you to provide the opportunity to reschedule for later in our season.  The good news is that a number have done so, including a few large groups.

While this decision to delay opening is uncharted territory in our 87-year history, we can’t help but be encouraged when we think about the adversity faced by Capon founders, Lou and Virginia Austin, getting started at the very height of the Great Depression.  So we will get through these tough and uncertain times, especially as we hold fast to Lou and Virginia Austin’s belief that we are indeed greater than we know, having God as our Partner, walking along side us, lifting each of us up to help one another.

As always thank you for your continued concern, care and support for Capon.  We look forward to your safe return and our joyful reunion together here.

~The Capon Family

(View a special video message from Jonathan on behalf of the Capon family.)

March 16, 2020

Dear Capon Friends,

As we prepare for the opening of our 88th season, we know many of you are concerned and have questions regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and what precautions we are taking in light of this developing situation.  As always, the health and well-being of our guests and co-workers is of the utmost importance to us.  We are currently monitoring the situation very closely and adhering to the advice of the CDC and the World Health Organization to ensure we are doing everything possible to keep our co-workers (who are working to prepare for our 2020 season) healthy and safe.  As you know, we don’t officially open our doors until April 30, 2020, and we are hopeful that by that time all the efforts from social distancing will have rapidly slowed the spread of the virus.  Resort Hotel Association guidelines

As has been the case for all of our 87 seasons we have never required a deposit and we do not have a cancellation fee so you can rest assured that when this virus is contained and life gets back to normal– which it will–you have the flexibility to change your reservation at any time without the worry of any fees.

We promise to keep you updated through email and our web blog so you won’t have to wonder or worry about what we are doing to ensure Capon is ready for any of your upcoming Capon stays.

It is during these challenging times when we need each other the most.  For all of us, Capon has always been a safe haven from the cares of the outside world.  Rest assured, we intend to do everything in our power to keep it that way. We are here for you and we wish you and your loved ones health and safety as we navigate this together.

May your journey down country roads bring you back home to see us soon!

~The Capon Family

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