2025 Season starts Thursday, May 1st 2025 Openings & Rates
January 20, 2023
With a plan to provide onsite staff housing in a variety of locations for up to 20 people, we are working with area hospitality and culinary internships as well as local learn/earn programs to hire motivated young people. We have also partnered with a few firms that place overseas college students. However, we can also […]
December 17, 2022
Thanks to our busy busy Capon elves (mainly Margy!), over 130 packages were processed in the last two weeks. The last day to order was Friday, December 16. However, we will be taking and processing new orders sometime early into the new year. Look for some amazing deals on 2002 merch as we prepare for […]
November 8, 2022
Dear Capon Friends, The leaves have changed and the peak colors have passed as we reach the end of our 90th anniversary season. Thank you to everyone who joined us in 2022 and helped us celebrate this historic milestone. This season was also marked with some memorable firsts: opening the spa year-round, the addition of Capon […]
September 26, 2022
It’s that time again! WV Living magazine is once again holding its annual fan favorite, “Best of West Virginia” contest! Each year this contest showcases the best places to eat, drink, and be merry, throughout our great state. As in past years, we made it through the first round of nominations so now we are in […]
June 7, 2022
Okay, so we didn’t actually do an official survey of a 1,000 guests, but these are the top 5 reasons we hear most often about why our regular guests love to return every June: #1: Mild weather: With average lows in the 50s and highs in the 70s/low 80s, June provides the perfect weather for […]
June 6, 2022
This time of year at Capon is a golf lover’s paradise! Thanks to the rainy days of April and May, the fairways are gorgeously green and the mild weather makes for a really enjoyable time to be outdoors… especially on a course as scenic as Capon’s! We thought it would be fun to do a […]
May 18, 2022
This piece was written by third generation Austin family member and Guest Services Director, Jonathan Bellingham If you are like me (an aging person who wants to maintain some sort of fitness), finding an exercise option that is productive, good on the joints, and fun is an important ingredient to personal health and happiness. As […]
April 28, 2022
Over the weekend we welcomed guests for another preseason weekend; this time to celebrate our 90-year legacy. Festivities included: a meet-and-greet with the management team, a history tour with Pete Budnyk, and a 90th Anniversary presentation at the Bandstand. Management Team Meet-And-Greet on the Front Porch Pete’s history tours have become very well known and […]
April 21, 2022
Thanks to a recent collaboration with longtime guest and owner of Route 11 Potato Chips, Sarah Cohen, we will have a small batch of 90th Anniversary Piquant-flavored potato chips available this season! To read the full story on how this came to be, read on! The Story Behind Piquant Chips: Piquant Dressing has long been […]
April 4, 2022
Since CDC removed its universal masking recommendation and considering that Hampshire County’s current COVID-19 community level is “low,” Capon is not requiring masks for guests or co-workers at this time. We recommend following the CDC’s guidance to wear a mask based on your personal preference, informed by your personal level of risk. We encourage getting […]
March 22, 2022
People have been drawn to Capon Springs to drink and “take the waters” for hundreds of years. And long before that, Native Americans recognized the healing qualities of the water and marked the location where the spring comes to the surface with petroglyphs (sacred images carved into rocks). But, many of you may be wondering… […]
March 17, 2022
Join us for BRIDGE BOOTCAMP! May 15-20 August 28-Sept 2 October 2-7 Continuing the tradition started by Marti Ronemus, her nephew, Edward Scanlon, will be hosting these five-night bridge instruction camps this spring, summer and fall. Price: $850/person and includes your entire Capon stay (usual room and board, all-you-can-eat meals, taxes, fees, tips, plus all […]
Stay in one of our 14 wonderful, unique cottages with a variety of accommodations within each one.
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